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Ju..e 7, 1973 Mr. Xe. .et.; L. h'ayke..dall Soys ton, Payzor, Cook & Vickery ittor-.eys At Law Cue f:c 11 Plaza Houston, Texas 77002 Dear Mr. XuyKe^.aali : I over t .e focositior. sent to me by the youny lady who recorded it, and I uisccvered two taints wr.ich rive me some concern. The one is that part of my testimony was a bit irrelevant anc calculated to pive ydi some trouble in court. Tne lies in the fact that my behavior, at times, in tnis performance, was a clear indicatici; (to me, at least) that I nave not really recovered completely from t..c recent illness which took me to an Hospital in San Francisco, anc nearly terminated my career. I deeply regret certain of :ny remarks in the deposition to whies, ,,rcworiy, whether necessary on technical grounds I cannot say, you took ea Cc 1 t-i.a .. I have noted in certain of my reactions, from time to time, since my illness, mild indications of irritability and of irrelevant behavior, and I regret this very much, not 02;ly because of the effects w.-lch might result from icy somewhat irrational behavior, tut also because of the difficulties which niyht result between myself and .c-rsor.r, who have had to deal with me on such occasion. T apologize, on personal ..rounds, for the difficulties into w.nicn 7. have led you in this matter, nere I criticized, unnecessarily, the operations on tins ship wnicf resulted in the illnesses of the men. Not that tne criticism was not ricoly deserved, but that this'was not the proper tine ana place for suet* criticism. My jnciument and behavior vere faulty, in this reparti, and I suppose, with generosity to myself, that I was becoming tired at the time of my outbursts. I hae not realized, previously, that I must be more careful lor some time to come, to stay within my limits, and while this is some tiling of a shock to me, I am much better aware now that I have certain limitations. This will not help you in this matter, but it may, I hope, persuade you that it is not in my character, generally, to be trouble some iii. childish ways of self-assertion. With r.y kindest personal regards, Cordially yours, Ka K:wb J.'obert A. Xehoe, ,M.D. Professor limertus of Occupational Medicine 400 7\ n wU ;*> 0 N7496