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Lead Industries Association, Inc. 292 Madison Avenue New York. N. Y 10017 Teieonone. i212! 679-6020 MINUTES Meeting of Board of Directors Lead Industries Association, Inc. December 3, 1968 Subject to Revision By direction of the Chairman, and in accordance with notices of September 27, and November 12, 1968, a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lead Industries Association, Inc., was held on Tuesday, December 3, 1968 in the Association's board room, 292 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. " Directors Present Representing Aubrey M. Callis, Chairman J. Bers D. R. Carter Donald R. Diggs (Representing W. Allen Taft, Jr.) John R. Englehorn Robert Hendricks W. G. Hewitt L. J. Randall John F. Rittenhouse T. M. Smylie Simon D. Strauss Dennis Taylor (Representing R. J. Hopkins) Ivor Thompson Warren T. Trask (Representing H. J. Whitson) Herbert M. Weed W. P. Wilke III Federated Metals Div., American Smelting & Refining Co. Bers & Co. The Eagle Picher Industries, Inc. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. St. Joseph Lead Co. Cominco, Ltd. The Bunker Hill Co. Hecla Mining Co. C & D Batteries The Ethyl Corp. American Smelting & Refining Co. Broken Hill Associated Smelters Proprietary, Ltd. Cerro Sales Corp. National Lead Co. Anaconda Sales Co. Hammond Lead Products, Inc. GUESTS Lawrason Riggs III R. K. Scales St. Joseph Lead Co. The Ethyl Corp. LIA STAFF J L Kimberley, Executive Vice President D M Borcina, Secretary-Treasurer D G Fowler, Director, Health and Safety J C Roumas, Asst. Director, Health and Safety ISR000212 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes -2- December 3, 1968 Chairman Callis presided and Mr. Borcma served as Secretary. (1) CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 1:55 P.M. (2) ATTENDANCE The presence of thirteen Directors and three represen tatives of Directors constituted a quorum for the transaction of business. The Secretary presented a copy of the notice of meeting and agenda which had been mailed to each Director, as provided in Section 4.03 of the Corporation's By-Laws. The copy was ordered filed with the minutes as Appendix "A" (Sent to Directors on November 12, 1968.) (3) MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING In the absence of comments, the minutes of the meeting held on April 3, 1968 in Montreal, Canada were ordered approved as circulated. (4) APPOINTMENT OF MR. HEWITT AS DIRECTOR The Chairman reported that the Bunker Hill Co. had requested that Mr. W. G. Hewitt serve out the unexpired term of Mr. Charles Schwab as a member of the Board and the Executive Committee and with the Board's approval the Secretary was requested to make the change in the records of the Association. (5) THE 1969 BUDGET REVIEW At the request of the Chairman, the Executive Vice President and Secretary presented the budget proposal for 1969 in detail. The Secretary reported that the Industry Development Committee at its meeting on October 25, 1968 had reviewed the proposed 1969 budget and recommended its approval as per the minutes of that meeting, Appendix "B" attached. (Sent to members on November 12, 1968, attached to the Agenda) ISRO 00 213 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Decemer ; . _ 9-i ~ The Zinc Car (ILZRQ) The Executive Vice President stated that the industry Development Committee had recommended an expenditure of 5 percent of the total promotional effort of the Zinc car by the Zinc Institute or $10,000 whichever was lower,, He reported tnac the Zinc Institute Board had approved an expenditure of $30,000 for 1969. As a result the amount required from LIA would ba 54,000 rather than the $10,000 now included m the recommended budget. After some discussion, it was agreed that LIA participate in the promotion of the lead applications now planned for the "Zinc Car" to a maximum of $4,000 and that the Chairman, Executive vice President and the Chairman cf the Industry Development Committee consult on how best tc participate m this promotional effort. Zinc and Lead International Service LZALIS) f The Executive Vice President reported that for over three years ZDA/LDA, London, has carried on promotional and development work in the developing areas of the world such as India. South East Asia, the near East, South Africa and more recently an approach to South America. The funding m the past, ha reported, has been through ZDA/LDA money augmented by certain company contributions, It is now proposed for 1969 that the fund be enlarged to $ 140.0C0 per year with the existing plan including the provision that the LIA and ZT share equally 40 percent cf the total or $ 28 . 0C0 from each organization. He further stated that this proposal is not included in the 1969 budget recommendations just reviewed and if approved would increase the 1969 recommended rate per con for Pig Lead Sales in the U.S. from $1.12 to $1.17. After considerable discussion it was agreed that the service to be rendered by the Zinc and Lead International Service will be essen tially for the development of markets m the area being helped, and that assistance as might be required concerning production facil ities would be limited to the furnishing of reference to existing professional sources or published information. A motion was thereupon made and seconded approving LIA's participation in the Zinc.and Lead International Service at $28,000 for 1969 and was carried with six votes for, three against and five abstentions. 1 " :" ISR00021* Board of Directors Meeting Minutes -4- December 3, 1968 LIA Man m ZI Detroit Office The Executive Vice President suggested that LIA consider the employment of a man to work out of the Detroit office of the Zinc Institute on behalf of lead's applications in the automotive and related fields. After some discussion it was agreed that an exploratory effort be made utilizing the part-time services of a man to deter mine what could be done and that a sum of $10,000 be set aside for this purpose in 1969. (6) BUDGET APPROVAL AND 1969 ASSESSMENTS At the request of the Chairman the Secretary then presented the 1969 recommended budget and rates per ton incorporating the actions lust taken as follows: 1969 Budget * Administrative and Technical Service Advertising, Publications and Related Promotion Zinc and Lead International Service (ZALIS) Motion Picture Distribution Health and Safety Public Relations Program External Public Relations Detroit Field Man Feasibility Study Misc. Including Contingencies $330,300 395,900 28,000 17,000 75,000 35,000 10,000 26,650 $917,850 * Details attached as Appendix "C" 1969 Rates Per Ton Membership Rates Per Ton Mining Manufacturing and Smelting and Refining Assembled Articles 20C 5C 2*5$ Industry Development Pig Lead Sales in U.S. $1.17 On motion made, seconded and carried without dissenting vote, the 1969 budget and rates per ton as outlined above were approved. ISH0002 i 5 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes -5- December 3, 1968 (7) REPORT OF CONSOLIDATION OF VARIOUS JOINT LIA and ZINC INSTITUTE ACTIVITIES The Executive Vice President stated that efforts are continuing or newly underway to determine if any savings can be affected by combining the public relations and film distribution programs of the LIA and the Zinc Institute and that recommendations would be submitted at the next meeting. (8) HEALTH AND SAFETY ACTIVITIES At the request of the Chairman the representative of the Ethyl Corp. reported on his company's activities with respect to the automobile and air pollution. He briefly reviewed Ethyl's activities in this area and particularly that part being played by their newly opened Vehicle Emission Testing Laboratory which incorporates the most sophisticated research and development facilities for studying all phases of automotive emissions. It is expected, he reported, that these facilities will allow Ethyl to make added contributions in reducing the automobile's role in the overall problem of air pc Llution. A descriptive booklet as prepared by Ethyl, was distxibuted to those in attendance. Health Study of Lead Workers The Secretary reported that ILZRO`s Program Review Committee at its meeting on October 29, 1968 provisionally approved unanimously the recommendations of ILZRO's Environmental Health Committee that a study of the health of employees in LIA member plants be made. The approval was provisional to the extent that the study be made only with the approval of the LIA Board of Directors. The amount approved by ILZRO was $25,000, split equally between ILZRO and the antiknock manufacturers. The study will include measures of morbidity and mortality of the industry's workers and will attempt to show that such workers / are not heir to any more ills than the general population. Cooperation i of member companies representing all segments of the industry is \ necessary if the study is to have any validity at all. LIA will, if the study is approved, contact member companies requesting their cooperation. Informal discussions with the officials or industrial hygienists of Asarco, Bers,' Broken Hill, Electric Storage 'Battery and St. Joe have indicated an interest in this study, and a willingness to cooperate Board of Directors Meeting Minutes -6- December 3, 1968 The Secretary reported that similar studies had been made of the employees of the lead antiknock industry with no indi cation that their lead workers morbidity and mortality record differ from the general population. After discussion it was agreed to approve such a study by ILZRO and that an effort be made to include a representative group of companies on a voluntary basis representing both domestic and foreign operations. (9) APPOINTMENT OF NOMINATING COMMITTEES FOR DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS The Chairman with the Board's approval appointed the following individuals representing members of LIA to serve on the Nominating Committees for Directors: Mr. Mai Bonynge, Chairman Mr. Frank Barton Mr. Warren Trask for Officers: Mr. Ivor Thompson, Chairman Mr. Julian Bers Mr. William WiIke (10) REPORT ON MEMBERSHIP The Secretary reported that there are currently 59 corporate members of LIA with no new members or resignations during 1968. Approaches were made during 1968 to Dresser-Magcobar and GlobeUnion without success to date. ISR0002 16 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes -7- December 3, 1968 (11) APPROVAL OF AUDITORS The Chairman reported that the accounting firm of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. had audited the books of LIA most recently and the Zinc Institute for many years and recommended their approval as auditor of LIA's 1968 accounts. On motion made, seconded and carried without dissenting vote, Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. was approved as auditors for the 1968 accounts of LIA, (12) ADJOURNMENT In the absent= of any other business to come before the meeting, it thereupon adjourned at 4:50 P.M. " Respectfully submitted. David M. Borcina Secretary, Treasurer APPROVED: //V/ , xf / / J ,t / 'y'd M. Caiiis, Chairman DMB:SO Att: APPENDIX "C" 1SR0002 1 7 APPENDIX "C" Board of Directors Meet me December 3, 1968 Table I_ - Approved Expenditures - 1968-1969 Approved A - Administrative & Technical Service 1968 Estimated Actual 1968 Approved 1969 1) Salaries 2) Payroll Taxes 3) Pension Premiums 4) Business & Group Insurance 5) Rent 6) Travel & Expenses 7) Annual Committee Meetings 8) Professional Fees 9) Printing & Office Supplies 10) Telephone & Telegrams 11) Postage & Express 12) Subscriptions-Periodicals 13) Furniture & Fixtures 14) Office Services 15) Technical Association Dues 16) Miscellaneous . $205,515 7,500 18,000 3,500 19,440 45,000 3,000 4,000 6,000 5,400 5,500 700 1,000 8,000 700 2,000 $201,800 5,700 16,635 3,500 19,440 46,000 3,200 5,000 6,000 6,000 7,000 800 1,000 8,000 900 2,000 $198,000 7,500 18,000 4,000 16,500 45,000 3,500 5,000 6,000 6,000 7,000 800 2,000 8,000 1,000 2,000 Total Administrative $335,255 B - Advertising, Publications & Related Promotions - Continuing Programs 1} Advertising Space Production & Miscellaneous 2) Architectural & Construction 3) Cable 4) Industrial Batteries, Including Utility Salesmen's Education Program 5) Pigments & Chemicals 6) Product Promotion and Design Engr. (Formerly Solder, Terne & Design Engr.) $ 25,000 87,600 14,300 75,000 26,000 37,900 $332,975 $ 15 000 88 000 14 300 77 500 26 000 39 100 $330,300 $ 25,000 92,900 23,800 59,500 26,000 62,700 Table _I (Continued) B - (Continued) 7) "Lead" Magazine 8) Conventions and Exhibits 9) ILZRO Car - "Zincatura" 10) Lead Abstracts ' 11) Reprints of Technical Articles 12) Test Programs 13) Illustrations & Photography -2- APPENDIX "C" Board ot Directors Meeting ._P.gcg.^..e..g__3 ,, 196 Approved 1968 Estimated Actual 1968 Approved 1969 $ 37,000 16,000 14,000 10,000 8,000 3,000 $ 42,000 18,020 12,000 7,000 8,000 2,500 $ 45,000 20,000 4,000 14,000 10,000 10,000 3,000 14) Zinc and Lead International Service (ZALIS) 15) Motion Picture Distribution: (Note 1 below) a. General b. Bureau of Mines $353,800 - $349,420 - $395,900 28,000 $ 16,000 2,000 $ 16,400 1,050 $ 15,000 2,000 $ 18,000 $ 17,450 $ 17,000 16) Health & Safety Public Relations Program (Hill & Knowlton) 17) External Public Relations (Note 1 below) Ed. H. Weiss) 18) Detroit Field Man Feasibility Study $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 35,000 - $ 35,000 - $ 75,000 $ 35,000 ? 10,000 Miscellaneous and Contingencies 19) Lead Book (Monograph) 20) Corrosion Handbook (ILZRO) 21) Annual Review 22) Apprentice Contest . 23) National Shooting Sports Foundation 24) Electric Vehicle Council 25) Steel Structures Painting Council 26) Contingencies a) General b) ILZRO GRAND TOTAL $ 3,000 5,000 1,000 1,200 650 500 1,000 3,000 10,000 $ 25,350 $841,905 $ 3,000 - 1, 200 650 500 1,000 3,300 - $ 9,650 $819,495 $ 4,000 5,000 1,000 1,500 650 500 1,000 3,000 10,000 $ 26,650 $917,850 NOTE 1 - Subject to revision downward depending on discussions and deci sions related to consolidation with Zinc Institute activities ir same fields. ISR0002 19 APPENDIX "C" Board of Directors Meeting December 3, 1968 -3- Table I_I - Estimated 1969 Income and Expenditures Regular Health & Safety Balance, January 1, 1969 Memberships Assessments Pig Lead Sales Interest Earned Savings Reimbursement for literature and film "Lift Better Electrically" Miscellaneous $ 100,203 120,000 702,000 8,000 5,000 2,000 $ 67,512 - Estimated Expenditures $937,203 842,850 $ 67,512 75,000 Operating Fund Balance December 31, 1969 $ 94,353 ($ 7,488 DMB:so ^4^-44 If UL jjf ft 'ff'TT tf tf fr ISR000220