Document 5bnJDQ7j5Yb10DZG8BvKBJnXJ

TH E J EFFER S O N M ED ICAL COLLEGE OE P H ILAD ELP H IA 1025 WALNUT STREET DEPARTM EN T OF PRE VE N TI VE MEDICINE DIVI SION O F I N D U STR I AL MEDI CI NE May 31, 1949 ^r. Robert A, Kehoe, Director Kettering Laboratory of Applied Physiology College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati Eden -venue . Cincinnati 19, Ohio Dear Doctor Kehoe: May I express my sincere thanks for your long and most interesting letter. I confess that I have been rather reluctant to engage in such routine or commer cial work. On the other hand, conditions at the-Electric C'torage.D'at'tery Company are so bad, as you know, and Doctor Lanahanhs interest in improving these, conditions so strong that I wanted to foe of help. .'However* the ideas of the company differ so much from ours that we find it impossible to do the work for them. I will be glad, of course, to as sist them if they establish, a laboratory of their own. I have read your suggestions very carefully and find myself practically in accord with them.. I hope I do not impose on you if I ask you for some additional Infor mation. what method of collecting the urine samples do you recommend? I mean by this question how you overcome the inherent error due to collecting only one small sample. Only recently, have listened to a speech given by Doctor Hamlin in which he reported about strange findings which, in my opinion, result from the difference in sampling methods.. Thanking you again, 1 am Very sincerely yours, K 0020001 H. Brieger, M. D. Associate Professor and Director Division of Industrial Medicine