The History of America is the History of Lead

The history of America is the history of lead. That is what the National Lead Company claimed in the 38 page booklet they compiled outlining the history of their company and products.

This booklet was dedicated to their employees. In it, the symbol of the National Lead Company, the Dutchboy, takes the reader on a tour of the company's achievements:

The document states that the company has made advances not only to the industry, but also to "the welfare of our country." This idea is expanded upon when on its tour, Dutchboy recounts how the company was founded. It traces a long history, from the start of Dutchboy in 1907, to the founding of the National Lead Corporation in 1891, and finally to a manufacturer that started in 1772 Philadelphia which was later incorporated into the company.

Clearly, the company was very proud of their long history:

"So you see the roots of our company reach back to the very birth of the United States."

And if in their eyes, the National Lead Company was undoubtedly intertwined with the founding of the United States, lead as a metal was connected to the ancient majesty of Earth:

The National Lead Comapny tried to cement the permanence of their institution and lead itself by drawing parallels to the history of America and the Earth. They wanted to suggest that America's history was tied to lead, and thus ensure that its future would be too.