Senator Sheldon Whitehouse on Toxic Docs

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse is one of Congress's foremost champions of aggressive climate change mitigation. As former Attorney General of Rhode Island, he oversaw the state's unprecedented legal action against the lead industry, holding them accountable for the dangers of lead paint. Documents that emerged in that case will be populating ToxicDocs over the next couple weeks as part of our Lead Papers release.

In the latest issue of the Journal of Public Health Policy, Senator Whitehouse writes about ToxicDocs:

With ToxicDocs, Markowitz, Rosner, and Chowkwanyun combine the reach of [legal] discovery with the capabilities of big data technology to provide a rich new resource for researchers, journalists, and public health advocates. Unlocking the secrets of corporate archives can level the field between polluters and victims of industrial contamination.

Read his commentary in full here for free: